Do you have plantar fasciitis?
If a doctor diagnosed you with this, learn more about it here and how reflexology can help.
Did you know?
The feet contain a quarter of the bones in the entire body? That’s a lot of bones (26) for such a small area. There are also 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons. And considering they support the weight of the body with every step, it’s not surprising that the American Podiatric Medical Association found that 77% of adult Americans experience foot pain at some point. Two million suffer from plantar fasciitis alone.
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects the toes to the heel bone and supports the arch of the foot. The main cause of pain is tissue fatigue in the arch. While it may seem like the pain comes on suddenly, small tears in the fascia occur as it is strained over a long period of time. The most common symptom is pain in the heel, especially in the morning. There isn’t any conclusive evidence of one cause that triggers it, for some it’s high arches, others it’s flat feet. Suspected triggers also include bone spurs, tight calves, being overweight, wearing shoes that are worn out or don’t fit properly, being on your feet a lot, etc.
What helps?
Since inflammation is high with plantar fasciitis, steroids and NSAIDs might be suggested by doctors along with orders to rest and use ice. Common treatment plans include:
Resting the feetStretching the toes and footOrthotics or inserts for the shoesNew shoes with good arch support and there is not one particular brand—it seems everyone has to find the brand that works best for his or her feetIce for inflammationIn extreme cases where the pain lasts for months or even years, an orthopedist will order shots or have the patient wear splints or a boot
What about reflexology?
Reflexology loosens the ligaments and muscles in the foot and lower leg, increases circulation, and improves flexibility.
Clients who routinely receive reflexology sessions often report feeling less pain in the foot, heel, and lower leg and are able to maintain full flexibility during routine activities.
Not everyone is a believer. As one clients says, she is not sure if it is the reflexology, but her foot is getting better so she keeps coming back. Some clients see results quickly and for others it may take a number of sessions.
Just as there is not one specific cause that can be pin pointed, the treatment varies for each person as well. But instead of being in pain for months, try reflexology sooner than later.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician. We do not diagnose illness, prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals, nor do we perform any type of spinal manipulation.